The Audition Process
When you audition, you are rated in three areas: singing, acting, and dancing.
On Audition Day, boys will arrive for auditions at 3:45pm. Girls will arrive for auditions at 5:00pm.
When you come in to audition, enter through the gym doors, and then come around through the music hallway where you will check in with one of our stage crew managers.
When you come on stage, you need to be fully prepared. Here's what you'll do:
DANCE AUDITION - Everyone in your group (boys or girls) will dance together at the same time, running through the dance routine 3 or 4 times. You'll then all exit to the music wing. The rest of the audition process will be done individually.
INDIVIDUAL AUDITION - You'll be called in one at a time. Select a primary role from the list below. This is not the only character that you could be selected to play; it's the one that you think best represents your ability. When you're called in, you will perform the monologue and song of your selected character.
Be sure that you have your parts memorized. Your ability to remember lines is part of the process. Also, be prepared to perform ANY of the roles that are listed here. You may be asked to perform another character if necessary.
Once you've done your individual audition, please stick around in case of a callback. Parts will be announced by the end of that week.
Edward Bloom
A loving husband and father with a rich imagination; a strong singer who can move, Edward ages from 18 to 60+; a huge heart, a great sense of humor and a vivid imagination.
Vocal Range:
Baritone/Tenor, G2 to G4
(talking to Will and Josephine)
"Will thinks I talk too much -- but I would have loved to have a talkative father. My own Daddy, he was a farmer. Lucky to get four words outta him. But one day -- one day i heard him out in the field, just blathering at length. Said he couldn't get a word in between me and my mother, but the corn -- the corn was all ears."
Fight the Dragons - measures 120 - end (recording starts at m. 118)
Fight the Dragons: Sheet Music
William Bloom
Edward’s son, a realist, pragmatist – the opposite of Edward. His journey of reconciliation with his father is the story of Big Fish. This is a lead role that requires a strong actor who sings beautifully.
Vocal Range:
(Tenor, C#3 to G4)
“I know about Ashton, Dad. I know what you did. You saved a town and broke a girl’s heart. I get why you didn’t want Mom to know. I do. But what you did was... heroic.
(re: notebook)
I made a list of your stories. There are thirty-six basic tales, with a lot of variations of course. Some are just jokes. Awful jokes, mostly. But you take the rest and it’s like a myth. An epic tale about a farmer’s son from Alabama who wanted to see the world. You never did, though. I did. And I think that’s because of you...
(takes Edward’s hand)
All this time, I thought you were trying to impress me. You were trying to inspire me.”
Stranger - measures 44 - end (recoding starts at m. 44)
Description: A giant, one of Edward’s fantasy friends. This role requires a tall actor with a strong bass voice. Karl grows from being a “beastly” outcast to a highly successful businessman. This role requires an actor who acts, sings, has an appreciation for comic irony, stilt walks, and dances.
“There’s nothing for me out there. I don’t fit in! I’ve never even been in a car.”
Start Over - measures 66 - 86 (recording starts at m. 66)
Amos Calloway
A werewolf and another of Edward’s fantasy friends. Masquerading as a ringmaster of a broken-down circus, with Edward’s help, he accepts himself and becomes highly successful. This role requires an actor-comic who acts, sings, and moves well (Baritone C3 to F5, touches a G5)
(to Edward Bloom)
“Lemme guess: you were the Hero of Hickville, a big fish in a small pond. This here is the ocean, and you’re drowning Take my advice and go back to Puddleville. You’ll be happy there.”
Closer to Her - measures 6 - 42 (recording starts at m. 6, last time on repeat)
Don Price
Edward’s childhood frenemy, an early buddy, bully, and rival for Sandra’s hand. This role requires a strong actor with a comic sensibility, a good singer and has movement skills.
Vocal Range:
(Baritone, C3 to F#4)
“How ‘bout I smash it
(to the Witch)
How you gonna do fortunes without your crystal ball?”
Start Over - measures 3 - 18 (recording starts at m. 3, last repeat)
Sandra Bloom
Edward’s loving wife, who understands her husband and believes in the possibility of reconciliation between her husband and son. A leading female role that requires a strong actor who also ages from 18 to 60+, who is an excellent singer and very good mover.
Vocal Range:
Soprano with mix/belt, G3 to E5
“I suppose anything’s possible.
(a look to Edward)
For example, I’ve heard legend of a brave and handsome man who happily fixed the leaky sink in the bathroom the very first time his wife asked without excuses or delay.”
I Don’t Need a Roof - measures 46 - end (recording starts at m. 45)
Call Back Will be the Entire Song
I Don't Need a Roof: Sheet Music
Jenny Hill
One of Edward’s early childhood friends who he rejects, but who later becomes the recipient of his kindness. This role also requires a good actor, singer, and mover who ages from 18 to 60+.
Vocal Range:
(Mix/belt to E5)
“Oh honey. That’s the only reason your father came back. The state was building a new reservoir – the whole valley was gonna be flooded. In just a few hours, the town of Ashton would be thirty feet under water... Edward Bloom came back to take one last look at the town he left so long ago.”
Red, White, and True - measures 21 - 32
The Witch
The earliest and most fantastic of Edward’s “imaginary” acquaintances who shows him how he’ll die. This role requires a strong, singer-dancer with commanding acting skills.
Vocal Range:
Mezzo with high belt, useable F3 to F5
“I can tell you the future with uncanny accuracy. Your loves, your lives, your deaths. Dollar apiece.”
Song: I Know What You Want - measures 51 - 63 (track starts at m. 50)
I Know What You Want: Sheet Music
Call Back: I Know What You Want – Reprise - measures 11 - end (tract starts at m. 9)
I Know What You Want -- Reprise: Sheet Music
Will’s wife, a lovely young woman who provides balance for Will’s pragmatism. With Sandra, she supports and helps guide Will’s journey toward reconciliation with his father. This supporting female role requires a strong actor-and good singer.
Vocal Range
(Mix/Belt to C#5).
“For people who don’t know, this is actually where Will proposed to me. One year ago, right here on the banks of this river. I had just met Edward and Sandra, and I knew – I knew – that I wanted to be part of this family.
Either Sandra or Jenny's song
These characters do not have a monologue or song. You will choose one of the above characters to audition. Please select a character that is comfortable for your vocal range.
Young Will – Ages 8-12. Strong Actor. Intrigued by his father’s stories. But already starts to doubt their truth. Should be a good singer. (F4 to C5)
Dr. Bennet – Edward’s physician, the experienced and wise country doctor, Edward’s contemporary.
Zacky Price – Male, ages pre-teens to 45 throughout show. Nerdy brother and shadow of Don Price. An ensemble member who will play multiple other characters.
Girl in the Water – An ethereal creature/mermaid who grants Edward his first kiss. An ensemble member who will play multiple other characters. Strong actor, singer, dancer.
Ensemble: Wedding Guests, New Yorkers, Citizens of Ashton, Circus Performers, Dancing Fire/Witches, The Alabama Lambs, Mayor, Fisherman
Here are two videos of what the dance routine should look like for your audition. There's a view from the front and the back.
This is a video recording of what the dance routine should look like for your audition. There's a view from the front and the back.